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OmniUpdate being upgraded to Version 10

Jul. 25, 2014—Hello Omni users! All of our Vanderbilt OmniUpdate accounts are being updated to Version 10 in the coming weeks. What does this mean for you? The backend tool/interface that you use to update your website will have a different look (editing pages) — but your public-facing website will not change at all. Please note that...

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We’ve won a major award

Jun. 16, 2014—No, it’s not a leg lamp, but it’s the next best thing: The Tennessee College Public Relations Association honored us with an award for one of our social media campaigns! More than 220 entries were submitted by universities and colleges across the state for the annual competition, which was judged by advertising, marketing and public relations...

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Apr. 28, 2014—One of the things our office does is track web and social media analytics: What were the top five most viewed Vanderbilt news stories of the week? Which Facebook post had the greatest reach? How many likes did we get on Instagram? That sort of thing. We report this information to a variety of people,...

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Our year in social media

Dec. 19, 2013—Take a look at our most popular Facebook posts, most ReTweeted Tweets, most watched YouTube videos, most liked Instagram photo, and more memorable moments from 2013. 2013 Year in Review >>

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Get social

Dec. 19, 2013—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIN, Google+, Flickr, YouTube – the list goes on. With so many ways to keep up with what’s happening at Vanderbilt, it can start to feel a little overwhelming. Now you can get all of your social media in one place: Get Social, an aggregator of various social media platforms and...

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Sitemason retirement

Dec. 2, 2013—If you have Sitemason tools associated with your VUnetID, you should have received an email from VUIT on November 30 about the upcoming Sitemason retirement.  This email contained a link UNIQUE TO YOU asking for information about your Sitemason tools. If you did not receive an email – please let us know and we will...

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Twitter bootcamp

Nov. 5, 2013—“I know I need to be on Twitter, but I just don’t know where to begin. So, I haven’t.” Does this describe you, your co-workers, your students or your professor? Help is here. I was recently lucky enough to contribute to Twitter Bootcamp, a 28-day crash course for people new to Twitter. Even if you’ve been...

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Welcome our new team members!

Jul. 15, 2013—Did you notice our avatars are missing from the Web Comm homepage? Oh…. and the ELEVEN new names listed as part of the team now? Wondering what’s going on? I’m here to give you the 411. As you may have already heard, a significant outcome of the IT Transformation Initiative was the July 1 launch...

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OmniUpdate Dependency Manager now enabled for binary files

May. 9, 2013—Now that we’ve enabled the Dependency Manager for binary files, images and documents will be uploaded to the staging server instead of going straight to production. The restore feature will now work for images and documents and additionally, it will keep track of file names, their locations, and revisions. Binary files: Non-text based files such...

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We’re looking for an awesome web developer… is that you?

Apr. 22, 2013—UPDATE: We found our awesome person! Welcome aboard, Bo Link. We are seeking a Web developer to provide programming and Web development support for our office, University Web Communications, which is the central Web development office for Vanderbilt University. We are a growing team of very awesome people that works closely together on all projects....

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We need a website TODAY: The beauty of

Jan. 17, 2013—“I know you guys are really busy, but – I need a website right away. Like, TODAY.” They’re the words that every project manager dreads, and hears about once a week. We understand: Work piles up, deadlines sneak up on you, you plan an entire publication around a website and then forget to ask someone...

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Kudos to us!

Jan. 10, 2013—Pardon us while we take a moment to toot our own horn. Our weekly project, “Our Favorite Tweets of the Week” has been recognized in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) district competition (along with some of our outstanding colleagues in Public Affairs). “Tweets” was recognized in the social media strategy and execution category. Each...

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