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Health and Wellness move to Omni/WordPress

May. 25, 2012—Earlier this year, we launched a brand new web presence for the Health and Wellness division, which is comprised of four departments: Health Plus, Occupational Health Clinic, Work/Life Connections and the Child and Family Center.  Previously five separate websites — we merged the four internal department sites into the overall Health and Wellness site —...

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Admissions, reimagined and simplified

Jan. 27, 2012—Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. That was the overarching theme of many of our discussions with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions when imagining a new Web presence. Let’s step back and make things easier for the user. Focus on the key MESSAGES that UoA wants to get out there about Vanderbilt. What are the key ACTIONS we...

Read more link shortener

Aug. 9, 2011—Have you seen the new shortened links appearing around the interwebs (especially on @VanderbiltU‘s Twitter account?) We recently launched a link shortening service for Vanderbilt: Rather than using a generic shortener like or – we decided we’d like to have a branded solution that clearly shows that the content is from...

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Psychological Sciences moves to Omni

Mar. 17, 2011—The Psychological Sciences website comprises information about both the Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and Science and the Department of Psychology and Human Development at Peabody College. When we took on this migration into Omni, the previous site had been built on and expanded over the years until it was nearly bursting...

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University Staff Advisory Council motions for new site

Mar. 15, 2011—The University Staff Advisory Council represents Vanderbilt staff members in university central who are not in a union-eligible jobs. They came to us with the request for a fresh, new look for their website and an easy-to-maintain, centralized database to keep track of their members and committees. We moved them into Omni and created a muted color...

Read more – VU social media, all in one place

Feb. 1, 2011—Having trouble keeping up with all that’s going on at Vanderbilt? Heard of Twitter and Flickr but not sure what they are? Knee deep in social media but looking for a way to pull it all together? A new website,, helps meet all of these needs by aggregating Vanderbilt’s main social media accounts on Facebook,...

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Traffic and Parking parks their new website

Jan. 26, 2011—Traffic and Parking approached us about redeveloping their website, and moving it towards a more Vanderbilt branded look while also simplifying some of their daily data processes. We migrated them into Omni, redeveloped their entire events management system into an easy to use, simplifed php/mysql application. Reports can now be generated with the click of...

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Division of Animal Care migrates from Drupal to Omni

Jan. 4, 2011—The Division of Animal Care approached us about migrating their site from a Drupal installation to Omni. They were hosted with an external vendor and had been working with a third party design and development firm. They had numerous issues both with using Drupal and with authenticating through VUnetID. We moved them in-house onto Vanderbilt’s...

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Video: Drupal @ Vanderbilt: an overview of current projects

Oct. 28, 2010—As part of the DigitalVU month-long series on Web technologies here at Vanderbilt, three of Vanderbilt’s drupal developers gave an overview of their recent drupal projects and share tips and tricks they’ve picked up along the way. (For those not already in-the-know, drupal is an open-source web content management system written in the ubiquitous PHP...

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Software Store launched in time for Move In weekend!

Aug. 23, 2010—ITS contacted our office for some assistance in trying to simplify their software store options.  There are now two stores — and depending upon who you are and how you will pay for the products — you need to go to different stores.  There are products that you can buy at both stores;  some manufacturers only...

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Department of Political Science launches website

Aug. 20, 2010—Our work with the Department of Political Science has truly been a pleasure. They’ve been extremely organized and were very invested in building out an informative and useful website for their department. We worked primarily with associate professors Cindy Kam, Josh Clinton and Elizabeth Zechmeister. One thing I appreciated most about working with PSCI: they...

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Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions website launches

Aug. 20, 2010—We worked with CSDI co-director and assistant professor Josh Clinton on migrating the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions website. Previously – this was a site maintained manually with no centralized content management system.  Within a two weeks period, we moved the content into Omni, redesigned it with a new color scheme, banner, slider...

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