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Get social

Dec. 19, 2013—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIN, Google+, Flickr, YouTube – the list goes on. With so many ways to keep up with what’s happening at Vanderbilt, it can start to feel a little overwhelming. Now you can get all of your social media in one place: Get Social, an aggregator of various social media platforms and...

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Twitter bootcamp

Nov. 5, 2013—“I know I need to be on Twitter, but I just don’t know where to begin. So, I haven’t.” Does this describe you, your co-workers, your students or your professor? Help is here. I was recently lucky enough to contribute to Twitter Bootcamp, a 28-day crash course for people new to Twitter. Even if you’ve been...

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Off our nut: Squirrelcast

Apr. 2, 2013—  UPDATE: Apparently the week of April 8 is Squirrel Week, and our furry foray into the world of squirrels was recognized by the Washington Post. We’re doing important work here, people. Every year, universities around the country take great pleasure in April Fool’s pranks. And every year, we sit back and watch the madness...

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Telling the Vanderbilt Story

Mar. 19, 2013—This was one of those A-HA! projects that come out of nowhere and then takes over your life—but in a good way. Lacy and I were brainstorming about something or other when we had the idea to create a site that focuses on the people at Vanderbilt. Faculty. Staff. Students. Alumni. Not the research they’re...

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Provost’s presence peps up

Mar. 19, 2013—When the Provost’s Office approached us about a redesign for their website – one that would be a vibrant academic hub for the university – we were on board. After all, their previous site was a little staid. And the chief academic officer of the university deserves a website that showcases our research and faculty...

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Spring cleaning for Nashville

Mar. 19, 2013—Ok, not the city of Nashville – it’s great the way it is. But our website that brags about how great Nashville is was in need of some sprucing up. Fun fact: Vanderbilt’s Nashville site was the very first site we moved into our content management system, OmniUpdate, in June of 2010. We’ve come a...

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We need a website TODAY: The beauty of

Jan. 17, 2013—“I know you guys are really busy, but – I need a website right away. Like, TODAY.” They’re the words that every project manager dreads, and hears about once a week. We understand: Work piles up, deadlines sneak up on you, you plan an entire publication around a website and then forget to ask someone...

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Kudos to us!

Jan. 10, 2013—Pardon us while we take a moment to toot our own horn. Our weekly project, “Our Favorite Tweets of the Week” has been recognized in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) district competition (along with some of our outstanding colleagues in Public Affairs). “Tweets” was recognized in the social media strategy and execution category. Each...

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Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health launches a new WordPress site

May. 29, 2012—We love a good partnership, and that’s exactly what we have with the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health. We set up a WordPress install for Kristin Centers from VIGH, and she took it from there, designing her own header and migrating all of her own content. We simply provided any needed help and support along the...

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CNGR joins the Omni community

Apr. 10, 2012—The Office of Community, Neighborhood and Government Relations has been redesigned and moved into Omni; the new site debuted April 9. This site launch is step one in a four-step process: eventually, the other CNGR sites – The Virtual School, Osher Lifelong Learning and Dyer Observatory – will all be redesigned and moved into one...

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The Blair String Quartet’s new site is music to our ears

Mar. 5, 2012—We launched the updated Blair String Quartet site on March 1, 2012. The previous string quartet site was maintained in Sitemason and had not been redesigned since 2002. The site needed to have an elegant look, a place for individual bios, downloadable hi-res photos and recordings of their performances – and be easy to maintain...

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U.S.-Japan center moves into

Nov. 3, 2011—When the Center for U.S.-Japan Studies and Cooperation approached us about a new site, we knew would be a great fit for them: They’re a small site (fewer than 10 pages) and my.vanderbilt is perfect for smaller departments (such as the French Graduate Studies program). We designed a custom header for them and migrated...

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