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Celebrating Change: Courage, Determination, Inclusion

Oct. 8, 2014—This year marked several milestones for Vanderbilt: 60th anniversary of graduation of Bishop Joseph Johnson 50th anniversary of first integrated undergraduate class 30th anniversary of the Association of Vanderbilt Black Alumni 30th anniversary of the Black Cultural Center Working with our colleagues in News and Communications, as well as groups across campus, we created a website to...

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Health Professions Advisory Office moves to Omni, gets a new look

Sep. 20, 2014—The Health Professions Advisory Office is part of the College of Arts & Science, and had been maintained through Dreamweaver. We redesigned the site and moved it into Omni, allowing for easier maintenance of the site.

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YouTube tips and tricks

Sep. 12, 2014—When having your videos uploaded to the university’s YouTube channel, it’s important to include descriptive titles, good tags and a helpful description. Remember, these will not only help your videos be found on YouTube, but everywhere else too: YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine. So write with search engine optimization in mind: Title Keep...

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Vanderbilt Women’s Club moves to Omni, gets an updated look

Aug. 22, 2014—  The Vanderbilt Women’s Club consists of women who work at or have partners that work at the University or Medical Center, are alumni, or simply have an avid interest in Vanderbilt. Their former site was maintained in Dreamweaver. We moved them to OmniUpdate, allowing them to maintain the site themselves, and we assisted with a...

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Peabody College infographic

Aug. 18, 2014—Our Anna Whinnery designed this infographic for Peabody College’s Graduate Student Orientation.

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CASPAR moves to Omni

Jul. 23, 2014—CASPAR is the College of Arts and Science’s Pre-major Academic Advising Resources office. We redesigned their site to be more in line with other university sites, and to help clarify navigation.  

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New provost, new website

Jul. 1, 2014—Susan Wente was named the new provost of the university in the spring, and took over from the previous provost, Richard McCarty, July 1. As part of the transition, we worked with her team on redesigning the provost’s web presence. It is still powered by WordPress, but the look has been updated and the content,...

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We’ve won a major award

Jun. 16, 2014—No, it’s not a leg lamp, but it’s the next best thing: The Tennessee College Public Relations Association honored us with an award for one of our social media campaigns! More than 220 entries were submitted by universities and colleges across the state for the annual competition, which was judged by advertising, marketing and public relations...

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Apr. 28, 2014—One of the things our office does is track web and social media analytics: What were the top five most viewed Vanderbilt news stories of the week? Which Facebook post had the greatest reach? How many likes did we get on Instagram? That sort of thing. We report this information to a variety of people,...

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Web Comm helps welcome Coach Mason

Mar. 20, 2014—The university announced Derek Mason would be its next head football coach Jan. 17, 2014. Web Communications worked closely with Athletics, Photography, Video and Creative Services in the days leading up to the announcement to produce a world-class online experience, not just on the website but also in social media. The Coach Mason site went...

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Trademark Licensing moves into OmniUpdate

Mar. 20, 2014—The Office of Trademark Licensing, which ensures that Vanderbilt’s brand identity is properly represented on goods and services, moved into OmniUpdate and went live with a redesign at the end of February. Thanks to Mary Ann Daniel-Kaszuba for being such a great partner on this project!  

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Our year in social media

Dec. 19, 2013—Take a look at our most popular Facebook posts, most ReTweeted Tweets, most watched YouTube videos, most liked Instagram photo, and more memorable moments from 2013. 2013 Year in Review >>

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