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International Services and International Tax launches expanded website

Posted by on Friday, November 5, 2010 in Launch.

The VISIT office launched their new website on November 4. More than just a redesign, this website features expanded information about all o the services that VISIT offers to the international community.

Their goal was to provide as much information as possible online – not only to help users be more informed, but to also reduce the number of phone calls to their offices. Many of those calls were requests for the same information over and over again;  now that data is online and can be updated easily when necessary.

VISIT is taking advantage of using the University Calendar for their events. VISIT submits events to the VU calendar, those events are then tagged with a unique identifying tag which we can use to pull a listing of events onto their site.  This has the benefit of their events also appearing in the main VU Calendar – so that even more people will be aware of the information sessions they hold on a regular basis.

VISIT website before
VISIT website BEFORE the redesign

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