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YouTube tips and tricks

Sep. 12, 2014—When having your videos uploaded to the university’s YouTube channel, it’s important to include descriptive titles, good tags and a helpful description. Remember, these will not only help your videos be found on YouTube, but everywhere else too: YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine. So write with search engine optimization in mind: Title Keep...

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Apr. 28, 2014—One of the things our office does is track web and social media analytics: What were the top five most viewed Vanderbilt news stories of the week? Which Facebook post had the greatest reach? How many likes did we get on Instagram? That sort of thing. We report this information to a variety of people,...

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Off our nut: Squirrelcast

Apr. 2, 2013—  UPDATE: Apparently the week of April 8 is Squirrel Week, and our furry foray into the world of squirrels was recognized by the Washington Post. We’re doing important work here, people. Every year, universities around the country take great pleasure in April Fool’s pranks. And every year, we sit back and watch the madness...

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Admissions, reimagined and simplified

Jan. 27, 2012—Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. That was the overarching theme of many of our discussions with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions when imagining a new Web presence. Let’s step back and make things easier for the user. Focus on the key MESSAGES that UoA wants to get out there about Vanderbilt. What are the key ACTIONS we...

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The Ingram Commons … powered by Omni

Oct. 20, 2011—The website for The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons has been redesigned and is now powered by Omni. Front and center of the new site is a YouTube playlist featuring Commons-related videos produced by the fabulous video team at News & Communications. Also new to the site are pages for each of the 10 Houses, with...

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Oh say can you see? It’s the new American Studies site!

Jun. 28, 2011—The website for the redesigned American Studies site went live June 21. The site also includes information about the American Studies Sustainability Project, a campus-wide program for the 2011-12 year featuring curriculum, speakers, exhibits etc.   They wanted a look that felt like Americana with a touch of Hatch Show Print (Hatch does all their Road...

Read more – VU social media, all in one place

Feb. 1, 2011—Having trouble keeping up with all that’s going on at Vanderbilt? Heard of Twitter and Flickr but not sure what they are? Knee deep in social media but looking for a way to pull it all together? A new website,, helps meet all of these needs by aggregating Vanderbilt’s main social media accounts on Facebook,...

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Updating VU’s Social Media Directory

Nov. 8, 2010—We’re updating the VU Social Media Directory – please submit your department/office/organizations social media presences. If you are submitting sites for multiple organizations – please submit the form once for each organization you are reporting for.

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YouTube Channel Branding Begins

Jun. 16, 2010—In an effort to try to brand the various YouTube channels that are in existence across the Vanderbilt community – today we updated the look of the main Vanderbilt YouTube channel and the Athletics channel. The Medical Center is finalizing their banner and will be updating their channel soon. With these three, we have the...

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Social media handbook released

Apr. 8, 2010—A new handbook for university faculty and staff wishing to use social media tools such as Facebook or Twitter to promote their program, research or department is now available. The handbook is available online. The handbook, produced by the Office of University Web Communications in the Division of Public Affairs, includes: An overview of how...

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