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We’ve won a major award

Jun. 16, 2014—No, it’s not a leg lamp, but it’s the next best thing: The Tennessee College Public Relations Association honored us with an award for one of our social media campaigns! More than 220 entries were submitted by universities and colleges across the state for the annual competition, which was judged by advertising, marketing and public relations...

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Twitter bootcamp

Nov. 5, 2013—“I know I need to be on Twitter, but I just don’t know where to begin. So, I haven’t.” Does this describe you, your co-workers, your students or your professor? Help is here. I was recently lucky enough to contribute to Twitter Bootcamp, a 28-day crash course for people new to Twitter. Even if you’ve been...

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Kudos to us!

Jan. 10, 2013—Pardon us while we take a moment to toot our own horn. Our weekly project, “Our Favorite Tweets of the Week” has been recognized in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) district competition (along with some of our outstanding colleagues in Public Affairs). “Tweets” was recognized in the social media strategy and execution category. Each...

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Watch: Using technology to engage students beyond the classroom walls

Oct. 21, 2011—Watch video of an Oct. 20 presentation “Using technology to engage students beyond the classroom walls” with Corbette Doyle and Stephanie Milne. This session provides a hands-on look at Twitter as a tool to encourage students to think critically about course content — before, during and after class ends. To increase faculty comfort with the...

Read more – VU social media, all in one place

Feb. 1, 2011—Having trouble keeping up with all that’s going on at Vanderbilt? Heard of Twitter and Flickr but not sure what they are? Knee deep in social media but looking for a way to pull it all together? A new website,, helps meet all of these needs by aggregating Vanderbilt’s main social media accounts on Facebook,...

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Vanderbilt welcomes Coach Franklin

Jan. 6, 2011—The university announced James Franklin would be its next head football coach Dec. 17, 2010, ending weeks of rabid speculation by mainstream and social media about the coach’s identity. Leading up to the announcement, Web Communications worked closely with our colleagues across Public Affairs – Creative Services, Athletics, Video – to be sure we had...

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It’s alive! 2011 Commencement site launched

Nov. 19, 2010—The commencement website has been updated for the Class of 2011. It’s hard to believe preparations are already in full swing for Commencement in May 2011. This site is built in WordPress – and has the VU Brand Bar at the top… a couple php/mysql functionality bits… small e-commerce section for sales of THE PARTY...

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Updating VU’s Social Media Directory

Nov. 8, 2010—We’re updating the VU Social Media Directory – please submit your department/office/organizations social media presences. If you are submitting sites for multiple organizations – please submit the form once for each organization you are reporting for.

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Video: Crafting a Professional Digital Identity

Oct. 26, 2010—Presentation for digitalVU month — Social media’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, and so on — give us plenty of opportunities to share our thoughts online. However, these platforms can sometimes make it hard to know just how public our comments are, as a Dartmouth religion professor found out recently when some comments she made on...

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Social media handbook released

Apr. 8, 2010—A new handbook for university faculty and staff wishing to use social media tools such as Facebook or Twitter to promote their program, research or department is now available. The handbook is available online. The handbook, produced by the Office of University Web Communications in the Division of Public Affairs, includes: An overview of how...

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Vanderbilt on Twitter

Jan. 29, 2010—Interested in Twitter, but not sure where to start? Using Twitter, but feeling overwhelmed by the millions of tweets flowing across the site each day? Have no idea what Twitter is, and wondering what the fuss is all about? A new Web site,, aims to help members of the Vanderbilt community meet each of...

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