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‘social media’

Add us on SnapChat!

Aug. 9, 2016—Add VanderbiltU on SnapChat! You can also follow Vanderbilt on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. See all Vanderbilt social media on the Get Social website. Learn more about how Vanderbilt uses social media by reading the Social Media Handbook.

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#VUSwift contest awarded Silver by TCPRA

Jun. 3, 2016—The University Web Communications social media team was honored with a Silver award by the Tennessee College Public Relations Association during the organization’s spring 2016 conference. For the contest, students were asked to share on social media, using only Taylor Swift lyrics, “how Vanderbilt has made your ‘Wildest Dreams’ come true,” a reference to Swift’s latest...

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DigitalVU: Smartphone Photography Workshop

Sep. 25, 2014—Thanks to everyone who came out for the smartphone photography workshop. We hope you’re excited to get out and take some photos with your newfound knowledge! (Don’t forget: if you’re on campus, use the hashtag #vandygram.) As promised, here is a helpful summary of the event, with links to all the applications and resources discussed.

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We’ve won a major award

Jun. 16, 2014—No, it’s not a leg lamp, but it’s the next best thing: The Tennessee College Public Relations Association honored us with an award for one of our social media campaigns! More than 220 entries were submitted by universities and colleges across the state for the annual competition, which was judged by advertising, marketing and public relations...

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Apr. 28, 2014—One of the things our office does is track web and social media analytics: What were the top five most viewed Vanderbilt news stories of the week? Which Facebook post had the greatest reach? How many likes did we get on Instagram? That sort of thing. We report this information to a variety of people,...

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Our year in social media

Dec. 19, 2013—Take a look at our most popular Facebook posts, most ReTweeted Tweets, most watched YouTube videos, most liked Instagram photo, and more memorable moments from 2013. 2013 Year in Review >>

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Get social

Dec. 19, 2013—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIN, Google+, Flickr, YouTube – the list goes on. With so many ways to keep up with what’s happening at Vanderbilt, it can start to feel a little overwhelming. Now you can get all of your social media in one place: Get Social, an aggregator of various social media platforms and...

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Twitter bootcamp

Nov. 5, 2013—“I know I need to be on Twitter, but I just don’t know where to begin. So, I haven’t.” Does this describe you, your co-workers, your students or your professor? Help is here. I was recently lucky enough to contribute to Twitter Bootcamp, a 28-day crash course for people new to Twitter. Even if you’ve been...

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Kudos to us!

Jan. 10, 2013—Pardon us while we take a moment to toot our own horn. Our weekly project, “Our Favorite Tweets of the Week” has been recognized in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) district competition (along with some of our outstanding colleagues in Public Affairs). “Tweets” was recognized in the social media strategy and execution category. Each...

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Vanderbilt Facebook Tabs — Add one today!

Jan. 30, 2012—Are you the administrator of a Vanderbilt-related Facebook page? We provide the following Facebook tabs for use on any official Vanderbilt page. Add one or more today! VUCast – Vanderbilt’s Weekly Video Newscast Add to your page Research News at Vanderbilt Add to your page Undergraduate Admissions Add to your page   To add these...

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Admissions, reimagined and simplified

Jan. 27, 2012—Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. That was the overarching theme of many of our discussions with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions when imagining a new Web presence. Let’s step back and make things easier for the user. Focus on the key MESSAGES that UoA wants to get out there about Vanderbilt. What are the key ACTIONS we...

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Watch: Blogging best practices

Oct. 31, 2011—Watch video of popular blogger and social media expert Jessica Turner sharing some of the industry’s best blogging practices to create a space that is read, utilized and shared on a regular basis. Turner has much experience working with individuals and companies to create blogs that reflect their personalities, achieve their goals and generate traffic. The event was...

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