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Off our nut: Squirrelcast

Apr. 2, 2013—  UPDATE: Apparently the week of April 8 is Squirrel Week, and our furry foray into the world of squirrels was recognized by the Washington Post. We’re doing important work here, people. Every year, universities around the country take great pleasure in April Fool’s pranks. And every year, we sit back and watch the madness...

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MyVU and Vanderbilt View now powered by WordPress

May. 5, 2011—Earlier last month myVU, the news source for Vanderbilt faculty and staff, and Vanderbilt View, the monthly magazine, merged with the Vanderbilt News web presence. This allows us to greatly simplify how we communicate news at Vanderbilt. Prior to the merge, many news stories would be posted twice, verbatim.  Once on the Vanderbilt news website...

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