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Want to be an email ninja? Master your inbox.

Oct. 29, 2010—View presentation outline and notes.

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Video: Drupal @ Vanderbilt: an overview of current projects

Oct. 28, 2010—As part of the DigitalVU month-long series on Web technologies here at Vanderbilt, three of Vanderbilt’s drupal developers gave an overview of their recent drupal projects and share tips and tricks they’ve picked up along the way. (For those not already in-the-know, drupal is an open-source web content management system written in the ubiquitous PHP...

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Video: Crafting a Professional Digital Identity

Oct. 26, 2010—Presentation for digitalVU month — Social media’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, and so on — give us plenty of opportunities to share our thoughts online. However, these platforms can sometimes make it hard to know just how public our comments are, as a Dartmouth religion professor found out recently when some comments she made on...

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Video for HTML Email: Coding Like It’s 1999

Oct. 25, 2010—Presentation for digitalVU month — Tips and tricks for building HTML emails … because it’s definitely not like coding for a website! Suggestions on ways to compensate for the differences between the hundreds of email clients out there, how to track your results, how to use the Vanderbilt listserv to send out your html emails,...

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digitalVU 2010: Download Presentations

Oct. 21, 2010—October 4, 2010 Mobile App Development at Vanderbilt: VMAT Mobile App Development at Vanderbilt: VMAT Hear the latest from VMAT, Vanderbilt’s student mobile application team. The presentation by VMAT President Zach McCormick will include an overview of the group and the apps it has produced for the university as well as future plans. Have an...

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digitalVU month is here!

Oct. 1, 2010—With 28 events and counting, there is something for everyone during Vanderbilt’s signature technology month, be you coder, content guru or simply interested user. These events showcase the incredible talent and expertise that exists at Vanderbilt and offer a great opportunity to meet and share ideas with like-minded people from across the institution. The full...

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