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#VU2020 website awarded Silver by TCPRA

Jun. 3, 2016—University Web Communications was honored with a Silver award by the Tennessee College Public Relations Association during the organization’s spring 2016 conference. The public-facing #VU2020 website is one part of the array of  communications that Vanderbilt’s Undergraduate Admissions share with all admitted students. The website provides a snapshot of Vanderbilt for students who are making that final decision...

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Admissions, reimagined and simplified

Jan. 27, 2012—Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. That was the overarching theme of many of our discussions with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions when imagining a new Web presence. Let’s step back and make things easier for the user. Focus on the key MESSAGES that UoA wants to get out there about Vanderbilt. What are the key ACTIONS we...

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Inside ‘Dores and Vandy Bloggers using Vanderbilt WordPress theme

Dec. 12, 2010—Partnering with the Undergraduate Admissions office, we updated two of their blogs with the Vanderbilt WordPress theme (blog version). The two blogs are highlighted on the admissions homepage – as well as in the righthand column on each page of the admissions website. The Admissions Office uses these to provide a personal “mouthpiece” for Vanderbilt....

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Undergraduate Admissions moves into Omni

Aug. 8, 2010—We had  a quick turnaround request from Undergraduate Admissions – their webmaster was going on leave and they needed to be in a system that would allow several users to update the site in his absence. With the workflow they needed – several editors, one publisher – we knew Omni was the perfect solution for...

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