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A news-and-event centric Export Compliance site debuts

Dec. 3, 2010—The Vanderbilt Export Compliance site debuted its new look on December 3, 2010. The redesign puts news items front and center on homepage, so viewers can easily read the latest policies relating to export compliance. Upcoming seminars and training are featured in the right sidebar. This information-packed, linked-filled site is now streamlined for ease of...

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A new website for Issues in Critical Investigation

Nov. 19, 2010—Issues in Critical Investigation (ICI) is an initiative that seeks to stimulate new scholarship in the fields of African Diasporic studies. The new website highlights ICI’s Manuscript Competition, which awards money and the opportunity for a book contract to young scholars.

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Find the Green Dots!

Sep. 13, 2010—We worked with Green Dots at Vanderbilt to build a new website that would educate the community about and encourage involvement in the Green Dot movement. A green dot is any behavior, choice, word or attitude that promotes safety for everyone and communicates intolerance for rape, partner violence and stalking. The Green Dots website features...

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Turner Center for Church Leadership

Aug. 26, 2010—Beautiful stained glass graces the banner on the Turner Center for Church Leadership website. We worked with Michelle Bukowski to build the Omni site – launching in time for the center to advertise its full-tuition scholarship program.

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LAPOP goes live

Aug. 20, 2010—We worked with the Latin American Public Opinion Project on migrating their site into Omni. This is a half-Omni, half-Sitemason site. Most of the pages are in Omni — but the datasets and logins remain in Sitemason (with the new look applied). This is the fourth site we’ve worked on with the Department of Political...

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Vanderbilt Center for Nashville Studies gets a website

Aug. 7, 2010—The Vanderbilt Center for Nashville Studies needed a quick turnaround for its website – and our Omni CMS delivered! After 30 minutes of Omni training, Whitney Weeks, the VCNS director, was making updates like a pro.

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Center for Latin American Studies website launched

Mar. 16, 2010—The Center for Latin American Studies wanted to make their site easier to update. They also wanted to have consistency in fonts and page layout. Another item on their wishlist was for a new navigation that would get visitors to their content as quickly and easily as possible. We solved all these problems by migrating...

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Cal Turner Program for Moral Leadership in the Professions

Mar. 5, 2010—We did a redesign for the Cal Turner Program for Moral Leadership in the Professions and moved it into WordPress. We helped them integrate their social media sites (Facebook, Twitter and Flickr) and added photo slideshows of events, including the Spring Break Immersion Learning Trip in New Orleans.

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Presentation – Successful Web Site Redesign

Dec. 5, 2009—Powerpoint Presentation – Successful Web Site Redesign (additional resources)

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