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VUIT Products and Services Lookup

Posted by on Sunday, December 7, 2014 in Launch.

We worked with VUIT on simplifying their products and services lookup. VUIT provides many services to the university — and many are known by several different names — and fall into various support groups.

We built a simple database that houses all the service/product information, keywords, and groups to which the service might be associated with — as well as the audience at the university that uses each service (faculty, staff, students).

And then on the lookup page — the user can either filter all the services by the support group (on the left side of the page) — or filter by the audience (right side of the page) — or even easier, they can just start typing something in the SEARCH box.  The search box auto filters down the list of services based on what the user types in — matching it on the service name, keyword or groupings.

Try it out — see if you can find what you’re looking for!

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