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Federal Relations launches new site in Omni

Posted by on Wednesday, February 5, 2014 in Launch.

Vanderbilt’s Office of Federal Relations advocates on behalf of federal legislation, regulations and policy that could affect Vanderbilt University. They recently launched a shiny new website, now managed in OmniUpdate. We have consulted with them over the past year on their new social media presences as well — they’ve launched both Twitter and Facebook presences to provide another method for people to keep in touch with what’s going on.

It was a pleasure to work alongside colleagues in Public Affairs from our Washington, D.C. office — Janelle St. Croix and Margie Glick — on the migration of their site from a Dreamweaver-managed site, that hadn’t been significantly updated since 2008, into one of our centrally-supported content management systems, OmniUpdate.

Federal Relations also manages two of their regular e-mail newsletters within OmniUpdate, using a simple WYSIWYG interface to easily create HTML emails and send out to daily/weekly subscribers.

  • DCbrief, a daily email newsletter of federal developments of interest to the Vanderbilt community
  • VUbrief, a weekly email that provides key members of the Washington, DC community with a timely summary of developments at the university
