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Biostatistics site recruiting next generation of researchers

Posted by on Thursday, January 5, 2012 in Launch.

The Graduate Program in Biostatistics is a master’s and Ph.D. program housed in the School of Medicine’s Department of Biostatistics and administered by the Graduate School. The program needed a new website to recruit students, provide information for and showcase the work of current faculty and students, and provide information about the field of biostatistics.

Graduate student Sarah Fletcher built out a preliminary site for the program on the WordPress-powered platform. We then designed and built the final site in WordPress and migrated the content.

As described on the site, “The raison d’être of our PhD program is to produce independent, adroit researchers who will contribute to the growth of biostatistics and other health science disciplines through methodological research in biostatistics and interdisciplinary collaborations in the biomedical sciences.” We think that is an excellent goal and look forward to watching their success!

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