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Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities

Posted by on Friday, August 26, 2011 in Launch.

The Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities has a launched a new site – their first design update since 1998!

They wanted a fresh look, and wanted to reflect the official Vanderbilt Web presence. They also wanted to showcase their history and their programs, which we did in the header and the photo slideshow.

More importantly, they wanted an easy and efficient way to maintain their site – the site had been maintained in Dreamweaver – and that’s where Omni came in.

The Warren Center and its staff – especially Kate Rattner – have been ideal clients. They had a clear idea of how they wanted the site to look, while always being flexible; Kate attended Omni training and then migrated all of their content herself; she even set up their Google Calendar by herself. It’s been a great collaboration between our office and theirs, with a beautiful, easy-to-maintain website as the result! Thanks to Kate and Mona Frederick for all their work.

