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Scholarships website moves to Omni

Posted by on Thursday, August 18, 2011 in Launch.

The Merit Scholarship Opportunities website moved to Omni this week. Previously manually maintained via Dreamweaver, now the site is centrally managed within OmniUpdate and can be easily edited and managed by staff in Financial Aid and Admissions offices.

This site migration was what we should refer to as a “lightning round migration” … we migrated all the content in a day, had the content owners review for accuracy that afternoon, and launched the next day. The content owners will continue to tweak and improve the site now that it is in a system that they can all use easily.

Thanks to Brent Tener, Torrey Morgan, Laura Huber and Patricia Blumenthal for their assistance in getting this site out the door so quickly!



  • log for August 18th | | Vanderbilt University

    August 19th, 2011

    […] Scholarships website moves to Omni — Posted on Aug 18, 2011 @ 3:59 pm via University Web Communications […]

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