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Skip to main content link shortener

Posted by on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 in Launch.

Have you seen the new shortened links appearing around the interwebs (especially on @VanderbiltU‘s Twitter account?)

We recently launched a link shortening service for Vanderbilt: Rather than using a generic shortener like or – we decided we’d like to have a branded solution that clearly shows that the content is from VANDERBILT.

The platform (which includes myVU, Research News @Vanderbilt and the Vanderbilt View) is setup to automatically generate a link for every story that is created. If you use the SHARE THIS STORY icons in the right column of any news story – it will use the shortened link in the tweet/email/facebook post.

By default, the service generates a unique string for use in the URL.

We can also generate links with specific keywords – here are a few examples of those types of links:

There are also some basic analytics available to view for each shortened URL. Simply add a + sign at the end of the shortened URL to view the analytics for a link.

If you would like to start using this service to shorten links for your official Vanderbilt Twitter account (it can also be used for print projects): send me an email ( with your department name, how you will use the shortening service, and your vunetid.

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  • Mike

    August 18th, 2011

    ya its Web2.0 Technology its really awesome