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MyVU and Vanderbilt View now powered by WordPress

Posted by on Thursday, May 5, 2011 in Launch.

Earlier last month myVU, the news source for Vanderbilt faculty and staff, and Vanderbilt View, the monthly magazine, merged with the Vanderbilt News web presence. This allows us to greatly simplify how we communicate news at Vanderbilt. Prior to the merge, many news stories would be posted twice, verbatim.  Once on the Vanderbilt news website and once on the myVU site. Not great for search engine optimization (duplicate content reduces your page rank), not great for time and resource efficiency either.

Now that myVU is powered by the same backend WordPress installation that runs Vanderbilt News and Research News @ Vanderbilt, stories can be posted once and appear across all of the news sites. Both sites also incorporate a slideshow (the popular Nivo slider) that can feature content from across all of the news presences.

Based on what type of story it is, different headers, footers and sidebars are presented. What we’re calling a “hierarchy of branding” takes place for each individual story:

  • If a story is RESEARCH, it will always have the research layout, no matter what other news sources it also is associated with (i.e. a myVU story that is also a research story will look like a research story.)
  • If a story is ONLY for myVU, it will have the myVU layout.
  • Otherwise, the story will have the default Vanderbilt News layout.
  • If a story is from the Vanderbilt View, the myVU layout is used and the Vanderbilt View logo appears in the right column.

All the cool features we’ve built into the backend for the main news presence and research are now available for myVU and Vanderbilt View too.  We’re also now supporting just one content management system — and one set of templates — instead of three, which reduces the amount of time we spend posting stories, addressing technical glitches, etc.

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  • aer conditionat

    May 19th, 2011


  • Milf

    September 18th, 2011

    Yeah defo, wordpress is by far the best.

  • Kmorgan

    May 23rd, 2011

    Excellent new site! Love the fact that you went with open source CMS…

  • Anonymous

    May 29th, 2011

    WordPress is hugely powerful, good move!

  • Andre Moore

    May 30th, 2011

    I have already been seeking for a lot of nice information recently and this one simply just caught my sight. Have a great day ahead. Such exciting content of MyVU and Vanderbilt you possess.

  • Andybin2003

    June 1st, 2011

    WordPress is the way to go! Excellent transition.

  • Internethappens

    June 12th, 2011

    Very cool! WordPress Rocks. I use it as well and could not be happier with it.

  • Sakthi Ganesh

    June 23rd, 2011

    WordPress is definitely right choice as a blogging platforms.Whether it is for personnel use or for community purpose just like your educational platforms ,its works perfect. Being fellow wordpress blogger i wish you for joiningu00a0 the open source blogging community. And your blog theme is nice,especially the right sidebar design, i love that one.

  • David Dzierba

    June 27th, 2011

    Hands down, the best blogging platform out there. There are still a few security bugs, but they are working them out. It’s so much better for a solid content management system, and everything to do with blogging is built around WP now. My blog is powered by WP with Thesis, and I love it.

  • Thewebmanron

    July 2nd, 2011

    You’re going to love Word Press, its so diversified!

  • conservatories

    July 11th, 2011

    Goodn updates ! The wordpress installation will increase the likeliness of then website. And the slider presentation will also make reading news easier alln at one place. But the duplicate content must be taken care of, because thatn will affect the rankling of the page in search engine results.

  • Rajat

    July 18th, 2011

    wordpress is best cms with seo. So I too like

  • Saver

    July 20th, 2011

    Good, WordPress is probably the best piece of software on the market. Installing WP will increase the number of visitors and make the interface more user friendly.

  • Adem Ku00fcru015fat u00d6ZCAN

    July 22nd, 2011

    Word Press is the best ;)

  • Myfikirler

    August 13th, 2011

    You’re going to love Word Press, its so diversified!

  • terry

    August 13th, 2011

    So clean, professional and nice. Will you have any editing issues?

  • Plastic Surgery Photos

    August 25th, 2011

    nice templates. I use it as well and could not be happier with it

  • Mahardhika Gilang

    September 11th, 2011

    Good article

  • poemas y poesias

    September 11th, 2011

    Good article, wordpress is the best! :)

  • Bigg Boss

    September 15th, 2011

    Good move, wordpress is best blogging platform

  • Steven

    September 21st, 2011

    Nice, wordpress is a way better platform.

  • Adult Dating

    February 12th, 2012

    Yeah wordpress is definitely the best for sure.

  • john bravo

    February 12th, 2012

    u00a0nur article is amazing…i really appreciate ur work and knowledge..nbookmarked ur page

  • JamesYancey.Net

    February 16th, 2012

    WordPress is the way to go

  • Navneet

    February 20th, 2012

    Tremendous tips and tricks for wordpress and layouts and templates. Its really nice for a professional blogger

  • andrew Andrew

    February 29th, 2012

    WordPress is definitely the way to go. u00a0It’s got the clean look of a new website and is easy for SEO

  • Guest

    March 7th, 2012


  • Marty

    March 11th, 2012

    WordPress is easily the most powerful platform out there. It is so easy to use and looks great! Good move!

  • Coach Steve Tucker

    April 15th, 2012

    Love WordPress. Absolutely the most powerful way out there.

  • Anonymous

    May 25th, 2012

    WordPress is awesome! You will not be disappointed with doing this!

  • bizouka

    September 20th, 2012

    So good