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VU Police Department uses WP theme

Posted by on Friday, October 22, 2010 in Launch.

Marty Wright is responsible for the Vanderbilt Police Department website. When it came time to reorganize their website – he decided to download the VU WordPress theme and give it a whirl. He wanted the VUPD site to have the Vanderbilt look – and using the WP theme is a surefire way to achieve that!

He first developed the whole site locally on his computer – and then moved the site to the Vanderbilt test server so that his superiors and others in the department could review the site. Once they were all satisfied with the new site — it was moved to production and is now live at

We love stories like this — people taking something we’ve developed for the community to use and building out their own sites with little involvement or assistance needed on our part.

Congrats to Marty and VUPD on their new site!

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