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digitalVU 2010: Download Presentations

Posted by on Thursday, October 21, 2010 in digitalVU, Info.

October 4, 2010
Mobile App Development at Vanderbilt: VMAT
Mobile App Development at Vanderbilt: VMAT Hear the latest from VMAT, Vanderbilt’s student mobile application team. The presentation by VMAT President Zach McCormick will include an overview of the group and the apps it has produced for the university as well as future plans. Have an idea for an app? Bring it to this session and learn how VMAT can help you.

Download Zach McCormick’s powerpoint

October 6, 2010
REDCap: How to Easily Create Your Own Online Surveys and Databases
An overview of how to use and access Vanderbilt’s FREE system for building online surveys and databases, plus a look at new developments and upcoming features.

Learn more »

October 8, 2010
Presentation Software: Introduction to Prezi
A new way to think about presentations. If PowerPoint is similar to a high-tech slide show, Prezi is like a magic whiteboard–a free magic whiteboard. This workshop is a hands-on introduction to creating presentations in Prezi.

View the prezi

October 12, 2010
Wireless in the Classroom: Strategies for Leveraging Student Laptops and Smart Phones
Most Vanderbilt students own either a laptop or an Internet-enabled smart phone. Instructors who wish to leverage these technological resources in the classroom have a growing set of tools for doing so.

Read Derek Bruff’s blog posting about the session

October 14, 2010
Designing for the iPad
The iPad is selling like hotcakes — changing the way people interact with the Web… and other tablets are just around the corner. Learn how to use HTML5, CSS3, and the tablet’s touch screen to build great mobile-optimized sites for your audiences.

Download AnnaBelle Leiserson’s presentation

October 18, 2010
HTML Email: Coding like it’s 1999
Tips and tricks for building HTML emails … because it’s definitely not like coding for a website! Suggestions on ways to compensate for the differences between the hundreds of email clients out there, how to track your results, how to use the Vanderbilt listserv to send out your html emails, etc.

VideoView Lacy’s presentation | View related links

October 19, 2010
Using Vanderbilt’s WordPress Theme
General overview of the Vanderbilt WordPress theme, how to get started, tips and tricks for getting the most of your wordpress website! Come with your questions – it will also be a time for general WordPress Q&A.

Video | View Lacy’s presentation | Download WordPress theme

October 19, 2010
Web Content Strategy
When people create a website, they invest tremendous resources on design and coding. But when it comes to the content itself, there’s often a gap. Thoughts like “We can figure out the content later” or “We already have most of the content” run through people’s minds. In this presentation, you’ll learn processes and workflows for content gathering, organization, and maintenance.

October 20, 2010
OmniUpdate – Vanderbilt’s Content Management System
OmniUpdate is free to all university clients with support and training provided by University Web Communications. OmniUpdate is Vanderbilt’s full-featured content-management system that provides everything you need to create and manage your website. Editing is done in the browser – no special software and no coding expertise is needed. You can assign different levels of permissions to users and there is a workflow process with approvals. Features include RSS, slideshows, scheduled publishing, a kaleidoscope of template configurations, and much more.

Video | View Lacy’s prezi | More Omni Information

October 21, 2010
Google Instant: Search Engine Optimization and More


How do you optimize your website for the nimble 800 lb. gorilla that is Google? Their latest is “Google Instant,” a search enhancement that shows results as you type.

See GSA documentation | Any questions? Email

October 25, 2010
Crafting a Professional Digital Identity
In this session, staff from University Web Communications will share strategies for using social media in ways that will enhance and not damage your professional identity, drawing from Vanderbilt’s Social Media Handbook. How can you know if your students can see your status updates on Facebook? Should you “friend” your students on Facebook? Should you “connect” with them on LinkedIn? How can you use blogs and Twitter to share your teaching experiences online in ways that reflect well on you professionally? This session will help you learn to shape what your students and colleagues find out about when they Google you.

Video | Center for Teaching blog post about session

October 26, 2010
Making Email Work for You

Does your inbox drive you crazy? Too many emails, not enough time? There are many tools within Outlook (and most email programs) that you can use to work more productively and communicate in a more efficient manner. We’ll be looking at tasks, calendar scheduling, rules, folder structure and a general email “philosophy” that can help keep you on top of (instead of buried under) your inbox.

View presentation slides | View notes and outline

October 27, 2010
Making AJAX easy with jQuery
This demonstration for and Q&A for web professionals will explore use of the jQuery JavaScript library to speed and simplify AJAX web development. The session will include an overview of the AJAX concept and architecture, code examples, and demonstrations of popular jQuery/AJAX implementations.

See Chris Renner’s presentation and source code

October 28, 2010
Drupal @ Vanderbilt: an overview of current projects
Three of Vanderbilt’s drupal developers will give an overview of their recent drupal projects and share tips and tricks they’ve picked up along the way. (For those not already in-the-know, drupal is an open-source web content management system written in the ubiquitous PHP web scripting language — see more info.)

Video | Kim Day’s presentation |  Jerome Jourquin’s presentation



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