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Presentation: Technology in the Classroom

Posted by on Friday, August 27, 2010 in digitalVU, Info.

innovation / thinkpublic@flickr

Derek Bruff, senior lecturer and assistant director of the Center for Teaching, gave a presentation in the August 27 digitalVU meeting on technology in the classroom—useful not only for those who interact with students, but also for those wanting to learn more about interactive and digital friendly presentations.

I think everyone got a little something to take away — whether it was using creative commons licensed photos on flickr, using google moderator to aggregate questions/suggestions, using prezi to make your boring powerpoint come to life, and how strong (and yet simple) visual imagery helps your audience focus on you (the main attraction) and not your slides :)

View his presentation slideshow below

Links of interest

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  • Diana

    August 27th, 2010

    Lacy: Thanks for the post! and for the Links of Interest

  • Gas Street Works - an online media marketing company

    September 10th, 2010

    Wow, it’s amazing how much more engaging a presentation or video can be when you produce it with the right software. Do you suppose many professionals will use it though without buying the private version?