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Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions website launches

Posted by on Friday, August 20, 2010 in Launch.

We worked with CSDI co-director and assistant professor Josh Clinton on migrating the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions website. Previously – this was a site maintained manually with no centralized content management system.  Within a two weeks period, we moved the content into Omni, redesigned it with a new color scheme, banner, slider images, and went live.

We assisted CSDI in building out the media and research portions of the new site.  They can more easily catalog Whitepapers, data sets, press releases, videos, Op-Eds, etc.

The people profiles on the site are built from the same database we’re using on the Department of Political Science website — just with a different template to display them.

This is the fourth site we’ve worked on with the Department of Political Science … we’ve also built out the websites for:

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