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A to Z launched with tagging, open submission

Posted by on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 in Launch.

We changed the Site Index from a very, very, very long list of alphabetical links to more use-friendly way to find all the Vanderbilt sites. They’re still there in alphabetical order (hence, A-Z), but broken down by letter for quicker browsing.

More significantly, they’re now also broken down by category. We can now tag a link on the back end as, say, “academics” or “research” and voila – all links tagged “academics” are on their own page. We use these tag-generated pages on our 2nd-level pages to give topic-specific A-Z listings. For example – on the Students 2nd level, there is a link on the right called A-Z: Students – it links to all Vanderbilt sites related to students. Pretty nifty – and incredibly easy to use on the back end.

Think we’ve mis-tagged something, or would like a link added to the listing? That’s easier than ever now too. We’ve created a form for you to submit your additions and edits.

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