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How do I get started?

Posted by on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 in faq.

  1. Create your account by logging in with your VUnetID and ePassword by clicking on the Create Your Site link on the right. You will receive an email that will contain a link that ACTIVATES your account.
  2. After activating your account, login here to actually create your website (you will also see any existing sites that are already linked to your vunetid on this screen). After clicking the CREATE A NEW SITE link:
    • Folder your site will live in: this determines the URL of your new website. It should be all lowercase letters with no spaces. This CANNOT be changed, so choose carefully.
    • The title for your website: this is what you would like to call your website. This can be updated at any time.
  3. Once your site is created –  click on the LOGIN link on the screen that is displayed. You will be taken into the dashboard for your new website.
  4. You can begin building out your website now. A few pages will be setup to get you started (About Me, Contact Me, Publications, etc). You can edit those or delete them and start fresh.