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Center for Teaching launches new website

Posted by on Sunday, August 8, 2010 in Launch.

Loved working on this site!

CFT wanted to combine three separate sites they were maintaining into one with the new CFT website — their existing website, the CFT Podcast and the CFT blog. They had been maintaining the existing site entirely in Dreamweaver and were very happy to start using a content management system.

We migrated them into WordPress for several reasons: several members of their staff were already comfortable with using WordPress – and we were also going to be combining those 2 existing wordpress blog sites into the new site, so that content was a simple WP to WP migration.

At first glance – the old CFT site didn’t seem like a very big site. We definitely underestimated the size and time necessary for the migration; it was like an onion — or one of those Russian dolls!  Layer after layer …  we migrated about 120 pages the first week and that was just the beginning!

The CFT homepage is a combination of blog posts, event registrations and highlighting the numerous Teaching Guides that CFT provides. To make the homepage even more self-sufficient – we wrote a little script to query their event registration system and pull the next 5 events available for registration and display them over there on the right.

Many thanks to the fabulous Rhett McDaniel over in the CFT — he maintains their site and worked tirelessly migrating pages, checking hundreds and hundreds of links, and adding cool photos all over the place!

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