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YouTube Channel Branding Begins

Posted by on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 in Launch.

In an effort to try to brand the various YouTube channels that are in existence across the Vanderbilt community – today we updated the look of the main Vanderbilt YouTube channel and the Athletics channel. The Medical Center is finalizing their banner and will be updating their channel soon. With these three, we have the three biggest channels all displaying one coordinated design.

The channel design options available in YouTube are very limited, but with the use of an image map – we are able to fake navigation between our separate channels. With the coordinated channel designs,  a user has the feeling of being on one big Vanderbilt channel, instead of many separate ones.

If your department has a YouTube channel that you would like to match the big three channels – contact our office and we can create a customized banner for you!

Now that we’re all nicely coordinated, we’re strongly discouraging departments from starting their own channels. If you’d like a playlist on a current channel – just let us know and we’ll get it set up.

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